Social Security

An Update on Spousal Benefits and Some Details You May Not Know

Social Security has myriad rules and regulations, and many times not knowing some of the key points can cause certain benefit opportunities to be overlooked. This is true in the case of spousal benefits, and particularly in the area of…

The Maximum Social Security Benefit–Getting It is Not Easy

For this year, the highest benefit available via Social Security is $4,555 per month ($54,660 annually), but very few folks are able to claim that amount. To understand why that is so, take a look at a post on…

Assessing Your Social Security Readiness

Social Security can be fairly complex, and anyone who has sailed those waters can tell you that there are some basic things you should know before you get to the point of claiming your earned benefits. The Motley Fool’s Christy…

Dealing With Social Security’s Inherent Inability to Ensure Retirement

The more you look at Social Security, and the more you ponder its place in your retirement planning strategy, the more you become aware of the program’s basic premise. This premise, in simple terms, is to keep seniors from falling…

In Defense of Social Security Administration Staff

There are many perceptions around the country regarding the efficiency and effectiveness of the Social Security Administration and its field staff, and there are a number of “war stories” about bad experiences folks have had. As is the case in…

Default Effects: Oldest and Poorest Social Security Beneficiaries in the Crosshairs

As the negotiations grind relentlessly toward a June 1 deadline, anxiety is building in the senior community regarding just what will happen should the U.S. Treasury enter default status. Amid conflicting commentary on whether or not an agreement can be…

How & Where Does Social Security Fit in Your Retirement Plans?

This question resonates differently depending on one’s proximity to their 60s, and the closer one is to “pulling the plug” on retirement, the more they’re beginning to think seriously about Social Security. But no matter your age, this post by…

Social Security Could Be One of the 5 Costly Mistakes You Could Make

Retirement planning–especially the financial side of the equation–presents many potential pitfalls if you’re not careful. In a post on, reporter Mark Henricks explains how “messing up Social Security” can, for example, lead to problems in the area of survivor…

The Importance of a “Break-Even” Calculation

As we’ve noted repeatedly on this site, the question of when to claim Social Security benefits is one of the most frequent questions received at the AMAC Foundation’s Social Security Advisory Service. Because of its consequences, we take great caution…

More on the Age 62 Filing Question

In an earlier post in today’s “Latest News” lineup, we shared a perspective from a leading Social Security commentator on the thought processes that accompany the question on whether it makes sense to claim benefits at the earliest possible point,…

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