Allow “Phasing In” Social Security Benefits?

In this interesting opinion piece, one erudite expert suggests that Social Security should offer an option to allow phasing into retirement. This would be done by permitting one to first collect only a portion of their Social Security benefit early,…
Is Even Discussing Fiscal Sanity a “no no?”

Is the partisan divide in Congress so great that even entertaining ideas to deal with the ever burgeoning national debt is an unacceptable concept? Or is discussing reform of programs which will soon become insolvent (Social Security and Medicare) completely…
About Reforming Social Security

As we roll into this presidential election year, campaign rhetoric is already heightening, especially about Social Security. Most candidates pledge “not to touch” Social Security, while simultaneously suggesting that cutting the program is high on their opponent’s agenda. President Biden…
In a Sea of Red Ink, should Congress Seek Fiscal Reform?

With the national debt now exceeding $33 Trillion, and Social Security and Medicare facing insolvency in less than a decade, it’s hard for the average American to understand why anyone would oppose Congress seeking ways to restore fiscal stability. Then…
Why do the Rich get a Bigger Social Security Payment?
“The rich get richer” is somewhat of a common lament by those not enjoying financial freedom, which likely includes most of those collecting Social Security benefits. Indeed, a majority of Social Security beneficiaries say they rely on their SS benefit…
Spotlight on Social Security Tax– 200+ People Have Already Paid Theirs in 2024

Teresa Ghilarducci, a former economics professor, highlights the Social Security wage cap in this Forbes piece. Only the first $168,600 in wages in 2024 are subject to the combined employee and employer 12.4% tax, and many of the uber rich…
Where does the GOP field stand on Social Security?

Savannah Kuchar of USA Today reviews the GOP presidential field and where they stand now and in the past on Social Security. One candidate called the program a Ponzi Scheme, one that should be privatized, and favored a retirement age…
Op-ed: Raising Social Security Retirement Age Can Help Ease Insolvency issue

Brenton Smith, a policy adviser to the Heartland Institute, explains there is no one solution to fix Social Security’s ills. The program will be unable to pay full benefits in about a decade. Raising the retirement age should be a…
AMAC: Social Security’s Very Real Problems Explained– in Plain English

This FAQ page was written by Jeff Szymanski, who works in political communications for the Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC). He previously taught high school economics for 15 years and is a frequent writer on Social Security issues. The…
The ongoing battle over Medicare and Social Security
The newly elected Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, has stated, “The greatest threat to our national security is our nation’s debt.” The Speaker has promised to establish a 16-member bipartisan commission to examine the Social Security and Medicare solvency…