The Equifax hack, and how it could affect you

The stealing of personal data of 143 million Americans from credit company Equifax made big news last week, and the fact that Social Security numbers were among the data stolen makes this an especially egregious incident. But what is also egregious is the very clumsy way in which Equifax handled the problem, waiting nearly six weeks before going public with news of the hacking. This was precious time consumers might have used to take steps to protect themselves against any nefarious use of their personal data. Even Equifax’s offer of free credit monitoring for consumers was questionable, requiring consumers to use the very data that was stolen as identification. Several Senators have called for Congressional investigation into this problem, but in the end it’s up to the consumer to take steps to ensure their identity isn’t compromised. This Washington Post article by Craig Timberg explores the Equifax hacking incident and describes how hackers might use the stolen data. Click here to read more.