The Insidious Effect of Inflation - Philadelphia Inquirer

Inflation has soared in the last 12 months, clocking in at nearly 8% by the end of 2021 and, according to most economists, heading for 10% or more this year. What that means, of course, is that we are all paying a lot more for everything – including the food we eat, the fuel we buy, and the utilities we use in our homes. Unfortunately, those hit the hardest by this insidious trend are senior citizens and retirees who depend on Social Security and, perhaps, a work pension but are,nevertheless on a fixed income. So, how are our most vulnerable Americans coping with inflation? This Philadelphia Inquirer article by Abha Bhattarai reveals that many are even cutting back on their use of hot water and eliminating meat from their diet to make ends meet. Click here to read more.