The one thing you should do for National Social Security month
The month of April has been declared National Social Security month which, the agency hopes, will shine a spotlight on this program that touches the life of nearly every American citizen. And in keeping with the inexorable use of technology for more efficient and less costly services, a big part of the April focus is promoting Social Security’s online capabilities which give you easy access to the wealth of services available to both current and future beneficiaries. Accessing all of your personal information at Social Security and using that online portal to get any benefit-related data you may need, is as easy as setting up a personal “My Social Security” online account with the Social Security Administration (SSA). It’s very secure, yet offers you a fast, and easy method to do what not long ago might have taken hours with a visit to your local Social Security office. In this Motley Fool article by Dan Caplinger, the author describes how and why you should create your personal online access to Social Security. Click here to read more.