“Think Tanks” Active in the Social Security Arena
“Think Tanks” Active in the Social Security Arena
Subjects with the magnitude and breadth of Social Security require extensive, continual, and focused research on an extremely wide range of topics to ensure that all viewpoints and perspectives are given due consideration in the formulation of policy actions. Accordingly, a number of research institutes have evolved over the years in which highly-informed professionals delve into background issues on major subjects and craft thoroughly examined positions that policy makers often consider in laying out courses of action.
In the area of Social Security, there are several major, relevant organizations that perform this service for the general public. Their material is made available to interested parties as support for the decision-making process, as advocacy support for internal and external policy-making participants, and as general reference material for other researchers and members of the public seeking to fully understand Social Security at a greater depth.
This section identifies several notable research organizations that have some level of focus on Social Security, provides contact information for these organizations, summarizes the organizations’ scope or mission, and identifies the key players in each of the organizations relative to Social Security research. Biographical highlights on these individuals are included.
Please note that our compilation of key individuals in these organizations may have inadvertently omitted names of significant participants involved in Social Security matters. If so, please contact Amy Ogan at [email protected] to have their information added for future editions.
Click the link below for the organization you;d like to see:
The American Enterprise Institute
Center for Economic and Policy Research
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Employee Benefit Research Institute
The Institute for Policy Innovation
National Center for Policy Analysis