Time to Face Facts: Some Social Security Cuts Will Be Necessary! - Forbes

Here is a sobering reality: unless Congress reforms Social Security soon there will be an across-the-board cut in monthly benefits for everyone – even those already collecting – in about a decade. Here’s some more news: As life expectancy has increased, Social Security beneficiaries are now typically collecting benefits for decades, instead of just a few years as the program was designed. Want more? Declining U.S. birthrates also means a declining ratio of workers contributing to beneficiaries receiving. And all of this means that lack of action by Congress to enact reform to correct these issues, including some reductions for future beneficiaries, is essentially dereliction of duty. All of this is explained in this Forbes article by Andrew Biggs, an exceptionally well credentialed authority on Social Security’s finances. Click here to read more.
AMAC, Inc. and AMAC Action have been at the forefront trying to strengthen Social Security by developing and proposing its Social Security Guarantee. They have been discussing and continue to discuss this common-sense solution with Congressional Representatives in its efforts to protect America’s senior citizens who rely on Social Security. Click to review AMAC’s Social Security Guarantee.