What are the odds that Social Security will “go broke?”

As most of us who now or will soon collect Social Security have heard, on its current trajectory Social Security will exhaust its Trust Funds by 2034. That is, unless Congress acts before that to restore the program’s financial health, similar to what what was done the last time a so-called Social Security financial crisis reared its ugly head. In this MarketWatch article by Mark Hulbert, the author discusses his interview with a well-known Social Security pundit who questions whether a crisis even exists, given that the solutions are well known and that Congressional history implies it will wait until the last possible moment to resolve an impending calamity. The article opines that we shouldn’t expect action on Social Security any time soon, and also takes aim at those who argue that Social Security is broke now because the bonds (IOU’s) which comprise the Social Security Trust Fund are worthless. Click here to read this interesting and provocative article about Social Security’s future.