Q & A
Where else can I find answers to Medicare questions?
Answer: Medicare has online resources for you. Register at MyMedicare.gov to:
- Create and print an “On the Go” report that lists information you can share with your providers.
- Add or update your health information, like medical conditions or allergies.
- View or update your personal drug list and pharmacy information, and see your prescription drug costs.
- Search for and create a list of your favorite providers, and find quality information about them.
- Complete your “Initial Enrollment Questionnaire” (IEQ) so your bills get paid correctly.
- Track your Original Medicare claims, and order a “Medicare Summary Notice” (MSN).
- Check your Part B deductible status.
- View your eligibility information.
- Track the preventive services you can get.
- Find a Medicare health or prescription drug plan.
- Access online forms, publications, and messages sent by Medicare.
- Sign up to get your “Medicare & You” handbook electronically.
Source: medicare.gov
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