Why are local Social Security offices still closed? Other government buildings are open. - AMAC & Cleveland19.com

Hannah Catlett of cleveland19.com investigates and explains how the Social Security Administration is failing the American public with this expose in the Cleveland, OH area. Think you can walk into a local Social Security office to get a new card or handle a name change request? Forget about it. Most alarming is what is demanded of those wanting a new social security card whether they just got married, or lost their other one. They must fill out the application and send in their original passport or a driver’s license. Read that again– their original passport or license. As the reporter notes, who would want to be without their license for 4-6 weeks? Closed offices do not appear to make sense in 2021, though they might have in 2020, and there appears no urgency to reopen. Both of Ohio’s U.S. senators commented in this piece, but the biggest obstacle to normalcy maybe union strong-arming. The union representing federal workers is requiring a minimum notice of 30 days before government agencies require people to come back to work in person. Catlett’s full investigative report is here.
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They have cut off all my husbands benefits for 18 months and I can’t talk to ANYONE!!!!
We are not affiliated with the Social Security Administration and, unfortunately, do not have access to any personal information regarding individual benefits. You will need to continue attempting via telephone to arrange an appointment to discuss you situation with an SSA representative.
We wish you well.
Gerry Hafer, National Social Security Advisor
AMAC Foundation, Inc.
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