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Why The New Retirement Involves Working Past 65

Calling all linguists and word inventors: we may need to coin a new term for retirement — or at least redefine the word. The 16th annual retirement survey of 4,550 full-time and part-time workers by the Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies found that 51% plan to keep working, at least part-time, in retirement,  a finding fairly consistent across age groups. The major motivations to continue working, cited by 61% of respondents? Income and health benefits. Additionally, older workers are more likely to say they will not retire at or before age 65, with a full 82% of 60-somethings putting themselves in one of these categories.  Instead, 64% of 60-somethings plan to retire after 65 and 18% plan not to retire at all. Read more…

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