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While you weren’t looking, Obama still pushing for chained CPI Social Security cuts

Much of the news in the past couple of months concerning the White House has focused on the various IRS and AP controversies, as well as Obama’s approval of NSA snooping. But don’t worry — Obama still very much wants to cut your Social Security benefits. You might have missed this story from April. Read more…

Comments On This Topic

  1. After the Great Divider was elected to his second term, I was thinking that the worst thing that could possibly happen had in deed happened. Then I see endorsements for Benghazi Clinton who has already completed her training in ducking responsibility. What happened to the days when we had leaders like Harry S who had his motto “The Buck Stops Here” on his desk?

  2. Boy are you right about ole barry being the worst terrorist and Destroyer of Our country ever!!! Right on about the president being in small letters too! IMPEACH!!

  3. Our current president is the worst terrorist there is. My opinion is he is trying to bankrupt the United States and turn it into a “tenth world” country where no American owns anything or can any work to take care of their family. He is trying to open our borders up and grant entry to anyone that can not make it in their own country. They come here and get free medical, schooling, etc., and we are taxed to pay for their “free” services. Our current unemployment rate is a farce. We have thousands of people out of work that are not eligible for unemployment, housing assistance or food assistance that are not counted on the unemployment roles. We have thousands of young people and singles that can not get work living wherever they can that are not counted on the unemployment roles. I read how our unemployment role are coming down and laugh at the numbers. How gullible does our politicians think we are. Them with their free medical, paid travel, paid office staff and 100% retirement pay from the day they leave off until they die; without putting a cent into a retirement fund. GET THE WORKING CLASS A BREAK and let the people vote on the politicians benefits.

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