Q & A

What are the implications of not changing to my married name on my Social Security record?

Full question text: FIFTY years after Betty Friedan’s “Feminine Mystique” and countless principled-but-unwieldy hyphenated names later, the problem of married versus maiden names should be good and solved. But many women are still caught in an in-between purgatory: why have to choose? Like others wanting it both ways, I held on to my professional name while also taking on my husband’s. For years, I’ve gone by both, fearing that at some point I will be called out or, worse, arrested. Though I moved my last name to my middle, this has left me in a muddle: Under what name do I travel? Who pays taxes? What if I, er, still haven’t switched over my Social Security card? These are questions that for 10 years I’ve been unable to answer. In an era in which identity theft is the ultimate crime, I skulk around on a regular basis fearing that somehow, my other-named double is getting me in trouble. Read more.

Sourcve: http://www.nytimes.com – August 25, 2013


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