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Reaching Age 65 Typically Creates Some Questions
In terms of life cycles, arriving at age 65 for many marks the beginning of a new phase. Whether you plan to retire from the workforce at that point or not (and lately, the trend is to continue employment either uninterrupted or perhaps changed to a different venue), there are some key decisions that need to be made. First, there’s the issue of Medicare and its sign-up regulations. Today, an article in The Post-Journal (New York) by Janell Sluga (click here to read it in full) covers the technicalities associated with the Medicare sign-up process, including the timing of coverage and the relationship to Social Security benefits.
Ms. Sluga’s article is presented in two parts, so check back with The Post-Journal next week for the second part. In the meantime, if your immediate interest is in the Social Security part of the equation, contact the AMAC Foundation’s Social Security Advisory Service for assistance. Click here to learn more about this service and how to access it,