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A Rich Retirement: How to get the biggest Social Security check

According to the Employee Benefit Research Institute, only two-thirds of Americans have saved for retirement and most have saved less than $25,000. The average retiree depends on Social Security for 70 percent of his or her income. Unfortunately, Social Security just isn’t equipped to fully support our ever-aging population. There are 78 million baby boomers edging toward retirement. Keep in mind, when Social Security was launched in 1940, a 21-year-old male had a 50/50 chance of living to the age of 65. Today, that same 65-year-old who had a 50/50 chance of being six feet under now has the same mortality and health as a 54-year-old did in 1947. And better health means a longer lifespan: A male reaching retirement age in 2013 is expected to live to an average of 85, a woman to 87. Read more.


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