Another Call for Bi-Partisan Social Security Reform

Citing projections from the recently-issued 2017 Social Security Trustees Report, The Motley Fool’s Sean Williams issues a call for bi-partisan action in Congress to address the program’s troubling solvency problems. Williams reiterates the Trustees’ position that a substantial benefits cut is in the offing as soon as 2034, and points out the long-term problem of unfunded obligations projected for the program in the decades ahead. His article also provides a general overview of two potential approaches–one Democratic-endorsed and one Republican–noting that there are many suggestions in play on Capitol Hill to address the solvency problem. Read the article here…
And while we’re on the subject of Social Security reform, it’s important to note that AMAC’s founder, Dan Weber, has been in the forefront of the fight to address the problems facing America’s Social Security program. As an action-oriented association, AMAC is resolved to do its part to call for action on this very serious problem. In fact, AMAC has developed a simple, actuarially sound solution that has been advanced to Capitol Hill. AMAC representatives have been resolute in their mission to get the attention of lawmakers in Washington, meeting with many, many congressional offices and their legislative staffs over the past several years. The Association is gaining ground every day, and you can help–support AMAC in this fight by joining the “AMAC Army” and contacting your congressional representative to add your voice!
Visit the Association’s website at to learn more about AMACs proposed solution and to obtain a copy of a free booklet outlining the steps that need to be taken to resolve this very serious problem.
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