Q & A

Can I get ex-spouse benefits instead of my own Social Security benefits?

Complete Question: I am 64 years old. I originally wanted to wait until 66 to get Social Security so that I could get the full amount, but it’s been difficult waiting and paying the bills, so I figured I will just have to apply now. Then I heard that I might be able to get ex-spouse benefits while I let my own benefit continue to grow. Can I really do that? I didn’t even know ex-spouse benefits existed until someone told me this.

Answer: Ex-spouse benefits do exist as long as you meet the eligibility criteria, which includes a 10-year marriage, no remarriage on your part, and you need to have been divorced for at least two years. You also need to be at least 62, which you are.

As for whether or not you can take the ex-spouse benefits instead of your own, that is where it gets a little more complicated. At your age (younger than full retirement age) you can only get ex-spouse benefits instead of your own IF the ex-spouse benefit is more than your own benefit. When determining this, you have to keep in mind the reductions involved. For example, let’s say his basic benefit is $1,000. As a spouse (or ex-spouse) that amount is already cut in half ($500). Then you take into account that you are 64 years old, which reduces that amount again to around $416. (Note that the $416 estimate is based on an exact age of 64. With each additional month of waiting past age 64, the $416/month benefit would increase by approximately $3.50/month, assuming the basic benefit of $1,000.) So the answer to your question has to do with what your own benefit amount is as compared to the reduced spousal benefit. If the reduced spousal benefit is higher, you can take that. If not, you have to take your own benefit.

The only exception to this rule would be if you were full retirement age (66) or older. Once you reach that age, your filing options expand. At this point, you would be allowed to choose which benefit you prefer – your own benefit or the ex-spousal benefit.

Research Analyst & Certified Social Security Advisor
AMAC Foundation
Notice: If you have any additional questions about spousal or ex-spousal benefits, or any other Social Security issue, you can reply below. When replying on this website, please do not provide any personal identification information, such as Social Security numbers. If you would like to discuss your situation privately, you can email C.J. at cmiles@amacfoundation.com.

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