
Want More Social Security? Here’s How

Of course, everyone wants as much from Social Security as they can get – after all, you’ve paid into it throughout your entire working career. But, as with most things, the devil is in the details and to get a…

Spotlight on Social Security Insolvency

The future of Social Security has been a topic of media anxiety for years now, with each annual financial report from Social Security’s Trustees launching a new round of hysterical commentary. Make no mistake – Social Security is, indeed, in…

Your Benefit Calculation and the Importance of the Year You Reach Age 60

The formula for computing Social Security retirement benefits is based on your highest 35 years of reported earnings, with each year’s earnings up to age 60 indexed to bring them up to present-day values when your base benefit is calculated.…

Using a “Bridge” Strategy to Maximize Social Security Benefits Gaining in Popularity

Research from the Center for Retirement Research (CRB) provides insight into a retirement planning strategy that appears to be gaining in favor among future retirees. In a post on kiplinger.com, Senior Retirement Editor Elaine Silvestrini reports that more than a…

An Update on HR-82 (Social Security Fairness Act of 2021)

H.R.82 (titled the Social Security Fairness Act of 2021) proposed by Rep. Rodney Davis (R-IL) has advanced in Congress, advancing out of the Ways and Means Committee but still facing an uncertain future in the 117th Congress. In a post…

Planning for Retirement in the Face of Potential Social Security Changes

The Social Security solvency problem is continuing to gain attention in the media, and there seems to be growing optimism that resolution of the long-term deficit situation will soon get congressional attention. But for those striving to build a workable…

Thoughts on the Plight of Social Security

Just about everyone affected by Social Security is aware that the program is facing a rough financial road in the years ahead, with the current operational deficit causing mounting concern about what will happen when the program’s trust fund reserves…

What to Consider When Retiring at 62

Many Americans dream of retiring at 62; it is the most popular age to begin Social Security. But have you thought out all the details involved? Have you asked yourself these questions: How will you pay for healthcare? Will you…

The other side of the COLA coin

We have all read the headlines concerning the 2023 Social Security cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) could be the highest in 40 years. However, no one has mentioned the possible consequence of this potential historical increase: Taxes. Since 1984, Social Security beneficiaries…

Another estimate on the 2023 COLA increase

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) rose 0.1 percent in August. So, what does that mean to Social Security recipients? Mary Johnson of The Senior Citizens League has updated her…

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