Divorce, Remarriage, and Spousal Benefits…Yes, it’s Complicated!

Our Social Security system consists of over 2,700 rules, many of which cover exceptions to other rules. And one of the areas where these exceptions tend to make things a bit murky is the subject of spousal benefits and how divorce and remarriage can impact the final outcome. The rules governing this area have undergone three major revisions since Social Security was launched, and each revision brings with it the need to understand the exceptions. Investment News’ contributing editor Mary Beth Franklin puts this complicated issue in perspective with this comment, “Young love is often blind and impulsive. Mature love, on the other hand, is pragmatic and wears bifocals.”
Ms. Franklin examines the current state of divorce/remarriage questions in an article posted at www.investmentnews.com, using an actual scenario to help explain some of the rules. Her article can be accessed here, and you should also know that the AMAC Foundation is equipped to help you navigate this and other complicated Social Security questions via its Social Security Advisory Service. Learn more about this free-to-the-public service on this page of the Social Security Report website.
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