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How To Help Your Parents Understand Medicare
(By – Tania Brown, Forbes)
I was shocked when I received a call from my dad asking me about Medicare. This is because, despite being a CFP® professional with over 13 years of experience and in my mid 40s, I suffered from the “powdered bottom syndrome.” This is the disease that afflicts all children, which is if someone has powdered your bottom as a baby, you have little credibility and the one that does the “powdering” may struggle to accept financial guidance. My parents also struggled with “powdered bottom syndrome” and didn’t want to ask for help, but the confusion over Medicare made the symptoms of “PBS” subside.
My parents complained of the costs of Medicare and wondered what they can do about it. They were paying more money out-of-pocket than they expected. They heard a lot of confusing information and wanted me to clear the air about their options. Many people get Medicare thinking that all of their expenses are covered and find themselves surprised to pay more out-of-pocket expenses. Here is a rundown on Medicare (as I attempted to break down the barriers created by powdered bottom syndrome.): Read more…