New Safety Protocols to Address Long Waits at Social Security Offices - AMAC & CNBC

Lorie Konish of CNBC explains how recently opened Social Security offices are dealing with the huge influx of in-person meetings in the face of summer heat and continued Covid-19 precautions. Offices shuttered in March 2020 at the pandemic’s onset, but offices began to reopen in April 2022. Stopgap measures include providing access to bathrooms, water fountains and, in some cases, fans and outdoor canopies at offices where outside lines are necessary. Further, the Social Security Administration is working to expedite appointments and is rearranging waiting areas to allow more people to access its air-conditioned offices. It is also expanding the use of mobile check-ins for appointments that will allow people to wait in their cars or other places nearby. Read Konish’s full article here.