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Reapplying for Lost SS Disability benefits - MSN

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits are available to those who experience a disability which prevents them from working, but there are fairly stringent rules to qualify for SSDI benefits. Among those rules are: a) the disability must be expected to last at least a year; b) you cannot work and earn over a specified amount; c) falsifying medical records, and d) being incarcerated for a crime. If any of these restrictions cause you to lose your SSDI benefits, the SSA provides a special procedure for re-instating your SSDI benefits if conditions change to make you, once again, eligible for SSDI. So, if you lost your SSDI and, within 5 years, once again became eligible for SSDI benefits, you can contact Social Security at their normal number (1.800.772.1213) and tell them you want to file for “expedited reinstatement” of your Disability benefit. You’ll need to answer a series of questions but you likely won’t need to file a new application. You might also get benefits for up to 6 months while we review your request. All of this is explained in this MSN article by Diego Pérez Morales. Click here to read more.

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