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Retired in 2019? Do these 5 things
Selena Maranjian notes five money moves retirees should take before the end of calendar year 2019. They include: 1.) performing a financial checkup, catching up if necessary on years where savings might have been minimal; 2.) taking a required minimum distribution, if required. The deadline to take it each year is Dec. 31, except the year in which you turn 70 1/2, when you have until April 1 of the following year to take your RMD; 3.) Adjust or re-balance your portfolio. Experts often suggest lessening the percentage in stocks with age, but dividend payers can add income higher than interest from certificates of deposit for minimally more risk; 4.) consider an annuity; 5.) reassess your Medicare plan, as Medicare Advantage plans often give more coverage for less money. Read more here.