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Retirement and Inflation…A Bumpy Road Ahead for Many

So, you’re arriving at the retirement mile marker, and you’re looking forward to kicking back and enjoying the benefits of a life spent participating in the workforce and building a work record for Social Security benefits. For many folks, the “kicking back” also entails a bit of belt-tightening, and, in today’s economy, it’s important to keep an eye on which areas of day-to-day spending are accelerating more rapidly than others. Beyond just being aware, though, isn’t enough. It’s important to think strategically about ways to manage within key categories and where possible develop workarounds to deal with costs that may have gotten too excessive for your budget.

Yahoo Finance contributor J. Arky takes a look at several of the expense categories that are stressing the financial resources of many retirees, and offers thoughts on how to navigate the impact of cost increases. Check it out here.

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