Retirement–Preparing for the Long Haul

Planning the financial side of retirement life is a challenge–no doubt about that! The unknowns can cause the serious planners to lose sleep at night, and sometimes the simple truth that one may not even know what one doesn’t know can be even more petrifying. In other words, it should not be taken lightly and it’s not for wimps! That’s the downside of looking at retirement…but there is an upside.
Retirement can be the most rewarding segment of one’s life, with travel, an easing of the pressure of working and maintaining career momentum, spending leisure time with friends and family, and so on. To achieve this peace of mind, though, requires some careful planning, and it begins with making certain you have the financial resources for the long-haul. U.S.News & World Report contributor Tom Sightings, financial blogger and author of “You Only Retire Once” offers some highly relevant suggestions for solidifying plans for retirement finances in a post on One of these suggestions, of course, is paying close attention to when you file for Social Security benefits.
So, if you’re one of the millions seriously focused on planning for your retirement years and you need help understanding the nuances of filing for Social Security, don’t hesitate to contact the AMAC Foundation. The Foundation provides a Social Security Advisory Service featuring a staff of trained and certified Advisors who will answer your questions via our fee-to-the public service. Learn more about it here…