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Smart Moves: Moving and shaking in Retirement

Over the next 10 years, the number of U.S. households led by someone 65 or older will increase by nearly 11 million. And a surprising number of those older people could soon move to larger, rather than smaller, homes….Age Wave partnered with Merrill Lynch to produce a new study of baby boomer housing and lifestyle preferences that included a nationally representative survey of more than 3,600 older Americans of retirement age. According to the survey, retirees’ top reasons for upsizing were to have a home large enough for family members to visit (33 percent) or to live with them (20 percent). One out of six retirees has a “boomerang” child who’s moved back in with them….Are you a boomer perplexed by the array of housing choices available to you? If so, these tips could prove helpful: Read More…


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