Social Security is an Election Issue

The 2016 presidential election is approaching. Many issues will be brought up and discussed. Some issues will not be very important. However, some may be very important….While many of us believe Social Security should remain as the lifeline for our retired citizens. Some critics call Social Security a “Ponzi scheme.” Others call it a failure. One president wanted to privatize Social Security….“The vast majority of Americans are overwhelmingly united in support of Social Security. Poll after poll indicates that notwithstanding ideology, race, gender, income level, or age, Americans believe that Social Security is more important than ever. They overwhelmingly support increasing, not cutting, its modest benefits,” according to Now “eight in 10 Americans think Social Security has been good for the country, with 70 percent of young adults agreeing and almost nine in 10 senior citizens saying the same, according to

There are three directions Social Security can be reformed. Read more…


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