118th Congress

Social Security Today: A “People Over Politics” Perspective

As the rhetoric on Social Security’s long-term financial issues heats up, so does the division between approaches to reforming the system. Structural changes on one side of the argument focus on modernizing the program to bring it into line with…

Social Security Reform: A Retrospective on the 1983 Changes

For the second time in the past five decades, Social Security finds itself at a major decision point. One of the fundamental differences between now and the early 1980s, though, is the timing of the absolute financial crisis. The changes…

The Growing Emphasis on Social Security Reform

As we’ve been reporting for the past several weeks and months, the rhetoric on Social Security reform is steadily building. In fact, this week brought a riveting debate that played out on MSNBC in prime time (see our previous posts),…

Incoming House Budget Committee Chair Signals Intent to Act on Social Security

As anticipated, the 118th Congress has opened the door for movement on resolution of Social Security’s longstanding solvency problem. Rep. Jodey Arrington (R-Texas) has proposed using an “…upcoming debt-limit deadline to prompt negotiations on the solvency of major programs such…

CBS/YouGov Poll: Fixing Social Security Makes the High Priority List for 118th Congress

 A nationally representative poll conducted last week by YouGov for CBS News posed the question of what should be the high priorities for the incoming Congress, and the top three responses were not a surprise: lowering inflation, protecting Social Security…

Social Security Reform: The Stage is Getting Set for the 118th Congress

As we’ve reported several times this week, the rhetoric associated with Social Security’s long-range solvency issue seems to be building in the weeks before the launch of the next Congressional session. Yesterday, for example, we noted the stance the Biden…

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