AMAC Foundation
Will your Social Security Benefits be Enough to get by ?
Social Security benefits vary greatly depending on your career earnings. Will even those being paid the highest benefits have enough? Since Social Security is designed to replace approximately 40% of your income, probably not. Read this article by Christy Bieber…
Ways to alleviate Social Security’s Insolvency
Both Social Security and Medicare are popular with Americans on both sides of the aisle, but their is a deep divide on how to fix the situation. Some possibilities include, raising the tax limit, raising taxes, and raising the Full…
What is a Reliable Source of Retirement Income?
Social Security offers a guaranteed benefit although that amount may be reduced at some point. Dividend stocks can also be a potential source of income. Read this article by Maurie Backman published by The Motley Fool on June 5, 2024.…
According to a Survey a majority of American adults under 65 are concerned about Social Security and Medicare being available to them
Rising health care costs are behind a rising fear that Americans under 65 will not have adequate social support as they age. They are concerned about B the future of Medicare as well as Social Security. Some experts predict that,…
Will your Retirement Budget Meet your Needs?
Financial Planning for retirement is challenging. Some parts of the equation are known and some need to be analyzed and estimated. It’s best to look at different scenarios. This article by Mark Henricks for smartasset published on June 5, 2024…
A Puzzle to Solve : What is the best Social Security claiming age for YOU !
Social Security recipients can choose to take benefits anytime between ages 62 and 70. So how do you sort all that out and make the right decision for yourself? If you take it before Full Retirement Age it will be…
A Perspective on Social Security COLA Increases
Let’s face it. We all like to get a large raise. This includes seniors receiving Social Security benefits. The only problem is, when we get a large COLA increase, that means inflation is out of control. Please read this article…
Handling Social Security Fraudsters
Knowing how to spot a scam is very important, as scammers are always coming up with new angles. You may be contacted by someone claiming to be from Social Security who is just fishing for personal information. It never hurts…
What Causes Occasional Double Social Security Payments in one Month?
In May 2024 SSI recipients received two payments, one on May 1st and one on May 31st. This occurred because the first of June fell on a weekend. Social Security’s payout calendar causes this to happen sometimes. As a result…
Making That All Important Decision – When to Claim Social Security Benefits?
The attached article by Stefon Walters on June 2, 2024 for The Motley Fool has information to help guide this decision. First, know your Full Retirement Age and how your benefits are affected by starting before or after that Age.…