
The Fraud Warnings Just Keep Coming!

“Scammers have claimed to belong to various federal, state, or local law enforcement agencies and they employ technology called “spoofing” to manipulate the caller IDs.” So says the warning issued by the Siskiyou County (California) Sheriff’s Office. The warning explains some…

The Student Loan Crisis and Its Impact on Seniors and the Economy

The Philadelphia Inquirer, in a post on their website, takes a look at the $1.5 trillion student loan debt burdening the economy…a debt level that is twice the credit card debt level held by Americans. In addition to highlighting the…

COLA Watch: 2020

It’s way too early to project what the numbers will show when it’s time to post the Social Security cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for 2020, but at least one source is saying a return to the zero COLA days might be in…

Working Past “Traditional” Retirement Ages: Not As Simple as You Might Think

The combination of inadequate savings and medical costs outpacing Social Security cost-of-living adjustments has made it more likely that folks in the future will extend their working lives much further than previous generations. In fact some studies have determined that…

Retirement Savings: Who’s Worried, Who’s Not

The Motley Fool’s Katie Brockman, in a post on, takes a look at the issue of retirement savings, contrasting concerns that some folks have with their progress in saving with those already in retirement and their level of comfort. As…

Dealing with Sub-Par COLAs

While the official  announcement of 2019’s Social Security cost-of-living adjustment grinds toward its official release date, many of the pre-anouncement reports have been giddy about the possibility of a bump inching toward 3%. Not all of these reports have been…

A Good Source of Benefits Information

With a mission of increasing “… citizen access to benefit information, while reducing the expense and difficulty of interacting with the government,” the E-Government website offers an array of information about services available to all citizens. Of particular interest to seniors are six…

COLA Watch – 2.8% Looking More Certain, But…

It’s looking more and more like the 2019 cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for Social Security beneficiaries will land at 2.8%. Yes, that’s the largest since 2012 and yes, it’s 40% higher that the 2018 adjustment. But as MarketWatch reporter Alessandra Malito points…

Retirement Planning: Some Fundamentals to Think About

As the saying goes, time marches on. And as you think ahead to the retirement phase of your life, this marching becomes more and more evident as you watch the days count down to the time you’ll be taking the…

Looking at Retirement as a “Life Segment”

Segmenting a lifetime into four primary phases (learning, growing, maturing, and exploring) can give one an entirely different view on what retirement is all about. Each of these four segments–about 8000 days in length–has a unique set of characteristics, as idenmtified…

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