Social Security 2100

Understanding Your Return on Investment in Social Security and Medicare

Many folks who have spent decades in the workforce, paying the Federal Income Contributions Tax (FICA) all those years, wonder if they’ll live long enough to fully recoup those dollars paid into the system. It’s a concern we hear often…

“Clawback” Hearing Yields Pledge for a “Top-to-Bottom” Review of SSA policies

Acting SSA Commissioner Kilolo Kijakazi, in response to concerns expressed in yesterday’s House Ways and Means subcommittee hearing, accepted accountability for the problem now affecting millions of Social Security beneficiaries, and noted that a team has been formed to investigate…

Tax Fairness Cited as Rallying Cry in Efforts to Address Social Security

Senate Budget Committee deliberations this week focused on, among other key points, the revenue side of the Social Security funding dilemma, with Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) presenting a case for bilateral attention to be applied to achieving “tax fairness between…

Debt Ceiling Agreement Reached, But It’s Not Over Yet

President Joe Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy have reached an agreement in their negotiations to resolve the debt crisis. That’s the good news. On the flip side, though, the road ahead to obtain approval in Congress appears to have…

Social Security 2100 Back in Focus

Calling Social Security “the number one anti-poverty program for the elderly, for children, and a disability plan that more veterans rely on than the VA,” House Ways and Means Social Security Subcommittee Ranking Member John B. Larson (CT-01) yesterday reintroduced Social…

Op-ed: Social Security can push the elderly into poverty when a spouse dies

Max Richtman, president and chief executive of the nonprofit National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare, has a lengthy opinion piece here stating that survivor benefits are no longer adequate for many 21st century widows and widowers. He describes the…

Op-Ed: Social Security needs a tune-up

Nancy Altman, president of Social Security Works and chairwoman of the Strengthen Social Security coalition, wrote an op-ed in the Los Angeles Times calling on Congress to act to address Social Security’s projected shortfall.  It’s been 36 years since the last…

Social Security 2100: The Coming Debate

It’s probably no secret to our site visitors that Social Security’s future is entering the home stretch toward an insecure future–a future in which benefits could face cuts in the neighborhood of 20-25%, depending on which pundit you subscribe to. That…

Another View on Social Security 2100: The Impact of Expansion

One of the underlying objectives of the H.R. 860–the Social Security 2100 Act–now the subject of House Ways and Means Committee hearings is to achieve expansion of the program, funded by increased payroll taxation. Is it good, or is it not…

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