Social Security

The “Retirement Savings Crisis”–And What to do About It

It seems like just about everyday there’s a new account of how far behind the savings curve those approaching retirement are. Some news accounts label this more serious than our country’s health care crisis, while others refer to it as “a…

More on the Issue of Social Security Shortchanging Widows and Widowers

It’s been a pretty hot item in the media for the past several weeks, ever since the Office of the Inspector General issued its audit report titled “Higher Benefits for Dually Entitled Widow(er)s Had They Delayed Applying for Retirement Benefits.”…

Making the “Big Decision” on Your Social Security

You’re probably well aware that you can file for Social Security benefits as early as age 62, or as late as age 70. There are pros and cons on each of these goal posts, and quite a bit has been…

More on Fixing Social Security’s Solvency Problem

In a post on, The Motley Fool’s Sean Williams offers another recap of Social Security’s oft-reported long-term solvency problem. Along with his synopsis, Williams hearkens back to a similar–albeit not as dire–situation in the 1980s, and illustrates how a…

The “Slippery Slope” of Means Testing Social Security’s Christine Benz and regular contributor Mark Miller discuss a series of common questions about Social Security in this transcript posted today on their website. The points addressed range from investment strategies to the age old question of “When to file,”…

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: A Look Under the Covers

Fox Business reporter Casey Dowd, in a post today on, examines the short- and long-term implications of the recently-implemented “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act,” explaining that there will likely be an uneven impact on seniors going forward. While some may benefit…

Yet Another Study: Millennials Deficient in Saving for Retirement

A new study by National Institute on Retirement Security (NIRS) manager of research, Jennifer Brown, suggests that “Most Millennials have nothing saved for retirement, and those who are saving aren’t saving nearly enough.” Her report on the study, titled “Millennials and Retirement:…

Rep. Johnson Opens Hearing on Need for Permanent SSA Commissioner

Yesterday, House Ways and Means Social Security Subcommittee Chairman Sam Johnson (R-TX) delivered the opening statement for a Committee meeting on the need for appointment of a Social Commissioner “empowered to make strategic decisions regarding the long-term operation of the…

What SSA Doesn’t Tell You Can Hurt You

It’s been the subject of quite a few news reports in the past, and here it is again…the SSA’s Office of the Inspector General (OIG) just released an audit showing poor performance in notifying widows and widowers about their retirement benefit…

Your Social Security Benefits: The Importance of Understanding the System

Getting the most out of your earned Social Security benefits is one of the keys to building the best financial situation for your retirement years. Achieving this desired situation, though, requires a clear understanding of the rules and complexities associated…

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