Social Security

Website Upgrades to Social Security

Boston University economics professor Larry Kotlikoff gives a comprehensive review in Forbes of recent changes and upgrades to Social Security’s main website. Among the improvements are the ability to update basic information like phone number, address, and bank account online, long…

The Political Landmine That Social Security Regrettably Continues to be

There’s a reason almost no politician talks about reforming Social Security, even in the face of its looming insolvency. “Touch it, and you die” is the way most have described the program for decades. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) is the…

Navigating a Roth conversion with Social Security

Roth IRA conversions appear to be all the rage lately, as the tax climate and the market are favorable now for converting. However, for those receiving Social Security benefits during the year of a Roth conversion, it pays to understand the tax implications of adding more…

Unretiring is Becoming Common. What then about Social Security?

Unretiring is among the newest crazes since we have emerged from the worst of the pandemic in 2020. Whether due to the necessity of inflation or just a desire to grab one of the millions of job openings for extra…

Democrats Up the Ante on Social Security Giveaways

Proposals by Democrats are aplenty each congressional session promising enhanced Social Security benefits, whether as cost of living adjustments, one-time payments, or permanent minimum benefit increases.  The problem with nearly all, which are intentionally written to be enticing to the…

Despite Looming Insolvency, Sen. Sanders says “Expand Social Security”

Rule number one has always been, when in a hole, stop digging. But Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is convinced Social Security benefits can and should be expanded, despite demographic headwinds like increasing longevity and declining birthrates that are hindering the…

Lawmakers must act responsibly on behalf of all Americans

Max Richtman, president and CEO of the nonprofit National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare, has an op-ed here imploring members of Congress to be responsible as they wrestle with Social Security’s financial woes. Richtman is quite critical of…

A Peek and a Guess at 2023 Social Security Benefits

Next year’s Social Security benefits will be much higher than those paid in 2022. But by how much? Dan Avery explores that question in this piece from The May year over year consumer price index has inflation at 8.6%.…

Pandering on Social Security Unhelpful to its Financial Problems

Proposals by Democrats are aplenty each congressional session promising enhanced Social Security benefits, whether as cost of living adjustments, one-time payments, or permanent minimum benefit increases.  The problem with nearly all, which are intentionally written to be enticing to the…

Creating Disposable Income beyond Social Security in Retirement

Social Security in one’s golden years will only replace about 40 percent of pre-retirement income. As is often the case, it is humbling for retirees to learn the standard of living they were used can be no more. But John…

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