SSA Customer Service
Changes to Accessing SSA In-Person Services
From the Social Security Administration We are expanding appointment-based services at our local Social Security offices. By scheduling appointments, we aim to reduce wait times, streamline service delivery, and improve customer experience. Nearly 400 local offices have already moved to…
SSA Reports Uptick in Customer Experience Ratings
Citing a 3.3-point increase in Social Security’s ranking in the most recent Forrester’s 2023 Customer Experience Index, a spokesman for the agency notes that efforts to provide increased access to programs and services have paid off. A post on The…
AFGE Issues Urgent Appel for Increased Funding

The American Federation of Government Employees, representing three-quarters of a million federal employees, yesterday declared the Social Security Administration (SSA) to be “an agency in crisis,” outlining its case for $20 billion in a proposed supplemental funding package over the…