Windfall Elimination Provision

HR 82 Impact…The Story Continues

The long-awaited repeal of Social Security’s Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO) is old news at this point, but the continuing story relates to when those slated to benefit from the repeal will see the results in…

WEP-GPO Repeal: The Argument(s) Continue to Unfold

Over the past few weeks, and especially in the week or so leading up to the November 12 House vote on H.R. 82 (the “Social Security Fairness Act”), we’ve seen a relatively steady stream of opinions about the merit of…

Social Security, WEP-GPO, and Ticking Clocks

There seem to be many competing priorities these days when it comes to our Social Security system, from the relentless search for solutions for the program’s impending insolvency to the current push to repeal two controversial rules set in place…

“Political Intrigue” Sidelines WEP-GPO Bill…For Now, Anyway.

The House Bill to repeal the longstanding and much-aligned Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO) Social Security rules appeared headed to a forced floor vote, at least until yesterday. In a procedural move described as “unusual,” outgoing…

WEP and GPO in the News, Again.

As the 118th Congress winds to a close, the ongoing saga of Social Security’s Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO) continues to pop up in the media. Today’s roundup of news reports includes a Yahoo!News post by…

Revisiting WEP And GPO

One of the most nagging criticisms of the U.S. Social Security program is found in the persistent outcries of unfairness from the people affected by two scorned sections of the program’s massive rulebook. Anyone following legislative activities involving Social Security…

Ask Rusty – Will my WEP Reduction Go Away if I Continue Working?

Dear Rusty: I’m 63 years old and have not yet started my Social Security. I now work for the State of Illinois and will draw a pension from that state’s university system. I don’t pay into Social Security from this…

Ask Rusty – How Will My Wife’s Social Security Be Affected by her Teacher’s Pension?

Dear Rusty: My wife, born in 1960, was a Texas school teacher for about 10 years and receives a $1,000 per month pension from that work. She didn’t pay into Social Security while teaching, but she paid into it for…

Formula Changes–and an Adjustment–in the Wind for WEP-affected Retirees?

A post today on highlights the reintroduced legislation to reform Social Security’s Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP). As the post explains, the bill (H.R. 4260) would provide a $150/month payment to those WEP-affected retirees currently in drawing benefits, and would change the…

My benefits got cut. Welcome to WEP.

It’s a little known and even less well understood provision that affects a small number of people who worked in some public sector jobs and had at least ten years of employment in the private sector.  It’s the Windfall Elimination…

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