Working until 70 looks good on paper, but not everybody can work longer

A simplistic solution to the brewing U.S. retirement crisis is to get people to work until 70 before retiring and 85 percent will have the money they need for retirement. Alicia Munnell, director of Center for Retirement Research at Boston College noted, they will save more during additional years in jobs and leave existing savings untouched while getting paychecks; and they have fewer years in retirement to cover living expense with their savings. However, research shows many people do not have that option; workers in physically demanding or unpleasant jobs. In a federally funded Health and Retirement Study by the Urban institute found, based on work records of people over 50, ageism is driving far more older workers away form their jobs, regardless of education, race or gender. Read attached article for more details and two possible alternatives to the retirement crisis. Click here…