Fixing Social Security is a Group Effort

It is no secret that Social Security has been under fire for its solvency issues, and the government has been under pressure to supply solutions for this problem. What most miss, however, is that in order to fix Social Security, everybody will have to pitch in. Social Security benefits most of the workers in America, yet everyone targets a different demographic for shouldering the burden of solving the issues with Social Security. Most proposals are generally aimed at a narrow portion of the population to fix these issues, such as raising taxes on those actively working, raising the retirement age, or adjusting the cost of living increases. These generally lead to a rock-paper-scissors argument amongst those being effected, each side advocating for why theirs is the superior solution. What should be happening, however, is an allied discussion on how to spread the burden across the demographics so that nobody has to bear the grunt of the full force of the fix. For more information on this subject, visit this article by Sylvester J. Schieber with Next Avenue.


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