About Social Security’s Customer Service

Have you mailed something to Social Security and find yourself still waiting anxiously for a response? Well, though it’s little comfort, you’re not alone because Social Security still has a huge backlog of unprocessed mail it is struggling to catch up on. According to the SSA, the pandemic forced most Social Security personnel to work remotely for nearly two years, so mail delivered to SS offices sat largely untended. Mailed requests for a new SS card went unfulfilled, mailed benefit applications went unprocessed, mailed appeals went unopened, mailed overpayment checks went uncashed, and just about anything mailed to a Social Security office, at best, incurred an excruciating delay to be handled. In short, the pandemic created a extraordinary dilemma for handling mail which Social Security offices are only now beginning to recover from, months after returning employees to their offices. The delayed handling of mail by the SSA has attracted Congressional attention, as explained in this GoBankingRates article by David Nadelle. Click here to read more.