
“Unretiring” is a New Trend…But Be Careful!

One of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic has been a trend toward early retirement, especially among those forced out of the workplace and turning toward Social Security benefits to keep them afloat. In addition, many originally intending to continue…

A Beginner’s Guide to Social Security

AMAC Foundation is proud to partner with Mediaplanet on its Senior Health campaign! As many of you are aware, 10,000 people turn 65 in the United States every single day. By 2050, senior citizens will represent 20% of the population.…

Especially Now, Getting the Most From Social Security is Important

These are trying times – soaring inflation, increasing interest rates, high fuel prices, social unrest and an acrimonious political climate – all contribute to discomfort for those contemplating retirement. Uncertainty about the future often results in claiming Social Security benefits…

Maximizing Your Social Security Benefits

Do you want to maximize your Social Security benefits? Of course you do, but the key to doing that is fully understanding how the program works. Your Social Security monthly benefit amount is based on your highest earning 35 years…

Making (and keeping) your “Golden Years” Golden

In this article appearing at Yahoo! Finance, contributor Cameron Huddleston discusses the potential downsides of retirement. Sure, everyone hopes and strives for their golden years to be comfortable, but even the best of retirement plans can go awry. The opportunities…

Social Security 101

Sometimes, we get so caught up in the details we can’t, as the saying goes, “see the forest for the trees.” Social Security is, of course, a fundamentally complex program simply because it is designed to accommodate many millions of…

About Social Security’s Customer Service

Have you mailed something to Social Security and find yourself still waiting anxiously for a response? Well, though it’s little comfort, you’re not alone because Social Security still has a huge backlog of unprocessed mail it is struggling to catch…

Democrats Up the Ante on Social Security Giveaways

Proposals by Democrats are aplenty each congressional session promising enhanced Social Security benefits, whether as cost of living adjustments, one-time payments, or permanent minimum benefit increases.  The problem with nearly all, which are intentionally written to be enticing to the…

Despite Looming Insolvency, Sen. Sanders says “Expand Social Security”

Rule number one has always been, when in a hole, stop digging. But Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is convinced Social Security benefits can and should be expanded, despite demographic headwinds like increasing longevity and declining birthrates that are hindering the…

Lawmakers must act responsibly on behalf of all Americans

Max Richtman, president and CEO of the nonprofit National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare, has an op-ed here imploring members of Congress to be responsible as they wrestle with Social Security’s financial woes. Richtman is quite critical of…

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