
Consider making the following moves for a more secure retirement

Whether you feel financially secure or insecure, with inflation at a 40-year high, the economic factors will impact your retirement savings and investments. So, what should you do if you are considering retirement during these times? Heather Taylor outlines eight…

How is Inflation Hurting You?

In the wake of yet another horrible report about spiraling inflation, and with consumer prices now approaching 9% higher than last year, most Americans are finding it necessary to adjust their lifestyle. Indeed, many have found it necessary to postpone…

Social Security is an ever-evolving program, but it remains the same

If you are at or nearing retirement age, it is essential for you to know the basics of Social Security. Every year the Social Security program implements some changes; however, the core remains the same. So how does the program…

The Stumbling Blocks to Social Security Reform

If you’ve paid attention to the news at all, you know that Social Security’s Trustees recently released their annual report, with some good news peeking out from a wagonload of bad news. The good news? Current projections are that the…

Health Savings Accounts (HSAs): What You Need to Know

A Health Savings Account, or “HSA” is a wonderful financial vehicle, offered by many employers and used by millions of Americans to pay for their healthcare expenses using un-taxed savings. Monies contributed to an HSA (and often matching funds contributed…

Resolving Social Security’s Financial Woes

“No one is talking about eliminating Social Security or Medicare. We must, however, come to the table with serious solutions to ensure the federal government keeps its commitment to current and future beneficiaries. ” That is the admonition to Congress offered…

Large COLA Increase Next Year? The “not so good” Reason It’s Probable.

How can we argue that current projections for a historically large Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for next year will not be such a wonderful thing? Simple – because that probable large COLA increase to your monthly Social Security benefit…

Saving Social Security: Expanding Benefits and Demanding the Wealthy Pay Their Fair Share or Cutting Benefits and Increasing Retirement Anxiety

(SOURCE: www.budget.senate.gov) Agenda There will be a Hearing of the Committee on the Budget  On:  Thursday, June 9, 2022, 11:00 AM In:  Room SH-216. Members of the Committee may participate in person or by video conference technology. To consider: Saving Social Security: Expanding Benefits and Demanding…

Looking at the Social Security Solvency Dilemma Realistically

As you’ve likely read in a variety of news reports (including posts on this site), the Social Security Trustees Report issued last week offered what some quarters consider a bright spot in Social Security’s dismal financial landscape. The Trustees reset…

Biden: “Improvements” in Social Security Outlook. Really?

The 2022 Social Security Trustees Report published last week spotlighted the additional year added to the timeline for trust fund insolvency, while the Medicare Trustees Report noted a two-year improvement in the projection for insolvency of the Health Insurance trust…

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