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The Insidious Effect of Inflation

It’s hardly new news that soaring inflation has hurt nearly every American, but inflation’s insidious effect on seniors is especially acute. True, Social Security benefits were bumped up by 5.9% starting in 2022, but that was partially offset by an…

Senate Bill to Help Victims of Social Security Identity Theft

Identity theft victims who have had their Social Security benefits highjacked by scammers have struggled to find solace or assistance within the Social Security Administration. Stories about about the simple difficulty of getting through to Social Security, much less finding…

Key Social Security Factors To Know Before Claiming

Social Security is a labyrinth of complex rules and regulations which can boggle even the best academic minds. And that complexity alone can cause some to throw up their hands and simply claim their benefits as soon as they’re eligible…

About Maximizing Your Social Security Payment

Sure, everyone wants to “maximize” their Social Security payment, but very few know how to do that and even fewer are able to. The maximum Social Security payment for 2022 is $4,194 per month, but to get that you would…

Benefits for Disabled Minor and Disabled Adult Children

Disabled children, among the most vulnerable Americans, may be eligible for a wide range of federal and state benefits, including some via the Social Security Administration. Special consideration is given to minor children who are disabled, but benefits can also…

Rethinking Retirement Planning

It seems like retirement planning always comes down to a) “how much do I need to save for retirement?” and b) “how should I take from my savings so that I won’t run out of money before I die?” On…

Social Security’s “Full Retirement Age”

Social Security’s “full retirement age” (FRA) has been gradually increasing for years, despite some still incorrectly thinking that 65 is the age at which full benefits are paid. A Social Security law enacted in 1983 set into motion the future…

Claiming Social Security at 62 Usually Not Wise

There is certainly no question that 62 is the most popular age to claim Social Security, as evidenced by the statistic that about 33% of beneficiaries do. But just because 62 the most popular age to claim, doesn’t mean that…

Frustration With Social Security’s Service

As independent Social Security Advisors here at the AMAC Foundation, we hear every day from Americans frustrated with their attempts to deal with the Social Security Administration, and who often simply give up trying. Telephone wait times at the SSA…

Surprise! Your Social Security Is Affected!

In some situations, a surprise can be a good thing, but not when the surprise is a financial hit to your Social Security benefit which occurred simply because you weren’t aware of Social Security’s rules. Especially if you haven’t yet…

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