“Musings of an aging codger” – The Social Security Administration today.

Tom Margenau is a normally upbeat, retired Social Security employee who writes a regular column dispensing important Social Security information in an entertaining manner. In this week’s column, Tom reflects back on his many enjoyable years with the Social Security Administration *SSA), but laments how budget cuts have affected the service provided by today’s SSA agents. Here at The AMAC Foundation, we regularly speak with those who have been frustrated in their direct dealings with the SSA, so we have some first hand knowledge of the problem Tom speaks of. Which is why The AMAC Foundation’s Social Security Advisory Service exists. Click here to read Tom Margenau’s account of Social Security, then and now, appearing in The Dallas Morning News. And if you’re in need of help understanding your options under the Social Security program, click here to read about AMAC’s Social Security Advisory Service.