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Social Security Filing Strategies…The Importance of Fully Understanding the Rules

Let’s start with an understatement…Social Security is complex. The issues of when to file, and how to file, for benefits are something we deal with repeatedly in the AMAC Foundation Social Security Advisory Service. Many folks come to us with preconceived notions, or ideas they’ve heard from others, about the wisdom of a specific strategy, like filing at age 62 and investing the benefits, but our usual respond goes something like this, “Well, it depends.” And what it depends on is having a full grasp on the rules behind the rules, as explained in a post by The Motley Fool’s Maurie Backman, which you can read in full here… 

If you’d like to know more about the Advisory Service mentioned above, click here. It’s a free-to-the-public service provided by the staff at AMAC Foundation, and it features the expertise of a staff of trained and NSSA-accredited professionals.

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