AMAC Foundation

Smart Ways to Save for Retirement

Information provided by Becca Stanek for The Week US published on July 8, 2024 on how much you will need in your retirement years. Several different strategies and suggestions are given depending on your own situation and age. Read here……

A Different Spin on What to do with Social Security

The attached article by Austin Smith for 247 Wall St published on July 8, 2024 gives a different perspective for a Social Security solution. Trump has hinted that he may have a totally different way to handle the insolvency issue…

Congressional Subcommittee field hearing focuses on WEP & GPO

Friday’s Congressional Subcommittee led by U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) offered public sector workers an opportunity to express their concerns with Social Security’s Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO). The hearing led off with comments from a…

Will Medicare and Social Security be Available to the Next Generation?

Surveys show many Americans are concerned that Medicare and Social Security will not be there for them. This anxiety is fueled by the inaction of Congress to resolve the solvency issue. Read this article by Austin Denean for The National…

Learn about Social Security’s “Do Over” Option

Social Security has a little known rule called the “Do Over” option which can be helpful to early filers. You have the opportunity to stop your benefits and pay back what you have received with 1 year. This wipes the…

The Party who modifies Social Security will Reap Political Rewards

Eventually either benefits will be cut about 20% across the board or changes will be made. There are many different scenarios, some of which will push the burden (especially in the form of taxes) onto future generations. Read Veronique De…

Regarding Portions of the 6/6/2024 Social Security Subcommittee Hearing on Trust Funds

We all know that Social Security is on a path to trust fund insolvency by 2035. The hearing points out that the Biden Administration’s new budget will make things worse. Nothing is being done right now to correct the situation.…

How to get a Fairly Accurate Estimate of Your Future Social Security Benefits

Knowing a number close to what you will actually receive in benefits is important for retirement planning. If you are between 50 and 65 it’s time to find out this information. Read this article by Trevor Jennewine published by The…

How to Avoid Overpayment of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Benefits

SSI is a needs based program which means eligibility is based on your total resources. It is important to let Social Security know if anything about your situation changes. Read this article by Josh Weller, Social Security Public Affairs Specialist…

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Program – 50 Years of Aid to Those in Need

Information provided by the Social Security Administration and published by Sierra Sun Times on June 5, 2024 celebrates 50 years of the SSI Program. SSI provides help to individuals who are blind, aged, or disabled and have very limited resources.…

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