Ask Rusty
Ask Rusty – About How Medicare Premiums Are Determined
Dear Rusty: Please explain the Medicare premium increase based on income reported to Social Security? For those of us that waited to draw Social Security until age 70, and who are still working – drawing a salary, and planning to…
Ask Rusty – About Signing up for Social Security and Medicare Part B at 70
Dear Rusty: I just turned 69 years old in August 2024 and am still working full time. I signed up for Medicare Part A but, it is my secondary insurance because I have great health insurance through where I work.…
Ask Rusty – Should my Husband File and then Suspend His Benefits?
Dear Rusty: My financial advisor used a computer program which told my husband to take his SS at age 68, then suspend it after a few months. What I understood was if my husband started and then stopped taking distributions,…
Ask Rusty – Does Some of my Social Security Payment Include Repayment of my Contributions?
Dear Rusty: I have a question about my Social Security benefits. Would I be correct to assume that part of the monthly Social Security income I get is a repayment of what I contributed to the fund while I was…
Ask Rusty – Does Congress Pay into Social Security?
Dear Rusty: I’ve been told that members of Congress do not have Social Security deducted from their pay; Additionally, that their retirement dollars come from the Social Security Administration purse even if they only serve as a member of Congress…
Ask Rusty – Should I Retire at 65 or 67? And What About Earnings & Taxes?
Dear Rusty: I’m just trying to figure out how to determine whether to retire at 65 or 67 and, if I retire, approximately how much could I make outside of my Social Security without being overly taxed. Signed: Thinking About…
Ask Rusty – Grieving Husband Asks About His Survivor Benefits
Dear Rusty: My wife died May 4, 2024. I notified Social Security, and they have removed the direct deposit made to my joint checking account on May 8, 2024. What are my options now for obtaining any benefits from my…
Ask Rusty – Shocked Because Medicare Increase Results in Loss of Social Security Benefits
Dear Rusty: My wife and I have taken a Social Security “Cut” — no 3.2% raise for us, due to something called “IRMAA,” based on our income. We actually took, together, a $400 a month cut. As far as I…
Ask Rusty – Can I Claim Social Security and Still Work?
Dear Rusty: I will be turning 63 soon. Can I apply for Social Security and continue to work? Would I be limited to how many hours or how much I could make? I know my monthly SS amount would be…
Ask Rusty – How Do Survivor Benefits Work for a Married Couple?
Dear Rusty: How does Social Security handle the death of one spouse? Say, for example, the husband receives $2,000 per month in Social Security and his wife receives $1,000 per month. How is the death of either spouse handled? Signed:…