Maximum benefit amount
You might enjoy a really nice benefit if…
What is the maximum benefit you can collect if you retire this year? If you are turning 70 this year and filing for the first time for Social Security, you could collect a monthly benefit of $4,873. However, not everyone…
The maximum Social Security benefit is out of reach for all but a few workers
In 2024, the highest Social Security retirement benefit for an individual starting benefits is $4,873 per month, according to the Social Security Administration. But how many people achieve the maximum Social Security benefit? In reality, very few Americans will claim…
With the new year comes some changes to Social Security
New Year, a new Social Security program; some parts of it anyway. Every year, changes happen to Social Security automatically, which helps recipients of this program keep up with the cost of living. Kailey Hagen reports on the three changes…
Getting the max Social Security benefit isn’t easy, but it’s doable.
The Social Security Administration states the maximum monthly benefit is $4,873 for 2024. So, how do you achieve this amount; is it even achievable? If you follow a few steps during your working career, you may be able to receive…
The maximum amount you can get each month
Everyone wants to know: What is the maximum amount of Social Security benefits I can receive? According to the Social Security Administration: “If you retire at full retirement age in 2023, your maximum benefit would be $3,627. However, if you…
How to achieve the maximum amount
The maximum monthly Social Security benefit for 2024 is $4,555. There are three steps involved in achieving the maximum benefit. What are they, and can the average person achieve them? Keith Speight outlines the three steps and suggests even if…
Things you can do to ensure you get your maximum Social Security benefit
The Social Security Trust Fund reserves are estimated to become depleted in 2033; at that time, Social Security income would be sufficient to pay 77 percent of scheduled benefits. Of course, the government can step in before 2033 and correct…
The maximum Social Security benefit
Every year we all hear about the maximum monthly Social Security benefit, but how many seniors receive that benefit? The answer; is very few. So, how does one get the maximum monthly Social Security benefit? Christy Bieber outlines the three…