Social Security

Here’s Social Security’s Payment Schedule

Social Security sends out millions of benefit payments all month long and, obviously, payments to all beneficiaries are not made on the same day each month. Fact is, the Social Security Administration has a very specific schedule for who gets…

Bi-Partisan “Save Our Seniors” said to protect Social Security

A bi-partisan trio of U.S. Senators have collaborated to introduce the “Save Our Seniors Act,” intended to keep Social Security’s true financial status front and center in Congress. Companion legislation has also been introduced in the House of Representatives. Fact…

Social Security for Divorced Spouses

“Your ex is worth twice as much dead than alive” proclaims one Social Security pundit, and guess what? That is true. Although there are specific criteria which must be met for a divorced spouse to be eligible for benefits from…

“SSI” vs. Social Security retirement or “SSDI” benefits

Social Security certainly can be a confusing program, with over 2800 rules codified in over 100,000 SSA website pages. Then add in that the Social Security Administration also administers other assistance programs on behalf of the federal government, and the…

How much will your Social Security benefit be?

The average retiree actually gets a benefit likely much smaller than you think. Many believe that after contributing to Social Security for an entire lifetime, they will be able to retire in financial comfort, but the reality is much less…

Speculation about COLA for 2025

Admittedly, it’s way too early to say with certainty what next year’s Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for Social Security will be. COLA is, after all, based on inflation as measured in the 3rd quarter (July – September) of each…

Important information for those new to Social Security

After a lifetime of working and approaching age 62, you might start thinking about applying for Social Security. After all, you’ve worked your entire life, contributing to the program, and feel entitled to start reaping the monetary fruits of your…

Can you get the maximum Social Security benefit?

Well, the probable answer is “no” because there is a pretty high bar to achieve that goal. Basically, you’d need to earn at least as much as the annual payroll tax cap for at least 35 years, pay Social Security…

Hard fact: Social Security must be reformed

To listen to candidates for federal office these days, one would get the impression that just leaving Social Security alone is a viable path forward. But it’s not, according to this sobering assessment by a Congressman speaking at a South…

Ask Rusty – Veteran Uncertain About Social Security and Healthcare Coverage

Dear Rusty: I’m not sure what I should sign up for in terms of Social Security: I am 64 and I am still employed full time and intend to stay employed until age 70. I am retired from the Navy…

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