The Social Security 2100 Act
A Call to Strengthen & Expand Social Security – Even in the Face of Insolvency

Max Richtman’s op-ed in The Hill chronicles the history of Social Security from its passage in 1935 to the current time. He notes the program has expanded many times along the way, mainly to cover more workers, such as domestic…
Lawmakers consider Social Security 2100 Act

Erika Giovanetti of Fox Business News reports on Rep. John Larson’s (D-CT) bill, The Social Security 2100 Act. All 195 signatories on the proposed legislation are Democrats, and bipartisan support seems unlikely given how the bill greatly enhances benefits but…
Should Social Security be transformed into “welfare?” AMAC says “No.”

“Social Security does not offer anyone… an easy life—nor was it ever intended to do so.” You might be surprised who uttered this phrase. It was Franklin Roosevelt, the father of the program, in a 1938 radio address, three years…
Social Security Serves Those Who Serve Our Nation

Nancy Altman, writing in Forbes, explains how the Social Security program is important to military veterans, mainly through the Disability portion of the program (SSDI). More than 600,000 veterans, many of whom were seriously injured in combat, receive Social Security disability…
A Bold Plan to Strengthen and Improve Social Security?

Dean Baker, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research, gives a favorable review to The Social Security 2100 Act sponsored by Rep. John Larson (D-CT). The Act would raise payroll taxes and the amount of income subject to payroll tax in order…
Social Security Expansion Hits Speed Bumps

Andrew Biggs of the American Enterprise Institute summarizes how the incredulous idea of expanding Social Security benefits has gone from a fringe position in 2012 to solely a Bernie Sanders idea in 2016 to now a mainstay view of all the…
American Enterprise Institute decries Soc Sec tax hikes will hurt poor the most
Matt Weidinger of The American Enterprise Institute recaps the problems with Social Security’s long term finances. He commends Democrats in the House for tackling reform with their Social Security 2100 Act, which would allow the program “to pay all scheduled benefits…
Larson’s Social Security 2100 Act – A Flawed & Problematic Reform Attempt

Charles Blahous is a former public trustee for Social Security and Medicare and currently a researcher at the Mercatus Center. While he lauds Rep. John Larson (D-CT) and 200 co-sponsors for tackling entitlement reform, Blahous highlights a number of problems with Larson’s Social Security 2100 Act…
Why a Bigger Social Security Program Would Make Us Worse Off

Rachel Geszler’s thoughtful piece in The Daily Signal explains the problems with The Social Security 2100 Act, likely to pass the House soon. It would make Social Security solvent and head off 20% plus in benefit cuts for all due to occur…
Rep. Larson engaging with the GOP to pass historic Social Security reform

Rep. John Larson (D-CT) has been working on Social Security issues for most of his 20 years in Congress. He cites the statistic of 125,000 Social Security recipients per congressional district to underscore the importance of the program. The Social Security Trustees predict…