when to file

Knowing How Your Benefit Increases (or Decreases) is Important

As most folks are aware, eligibility for Social Security benefits begins at age 62. What many folks are not aware of, however, is how much the benefit claimed at that age will be reduced from what would be available at…

More Thoughts on the “When to File” Dilemma

What’s the best age at which to claim your Social Security benefits? This is far and away one of the top questions we receive here at the AMAC Foundation Social Security Advisory Service. The answer we provide generally tends to…

Social Security Advice for Women Could Equally Benefit Men

The Motley Fool’s Selena Maranjian takes a look at a series of tips provided by the Social Security Administration to help women make the best decisions for their benefits, but also notes that these ideas are essentially unisex. Calling them…

The On-Going “When to File” Debate…Another Perspective

One of the most persistent questions we receive here at the AMAC Foundation Social Security Advisory Service is deceptively simple: “When should I begin drawing my earned Social Security benefit?” And as frustrating as it may seem to our callers,…

Understanding the Math Behind Claiming Ages

There are many factors associated with the decision on when to file a claim for Social Security benefits, In fact, here at the AMAC Social Security Advisory Service, we typically begin our responses to the “when should I file” question…

How do age differences impact your Social Security decisions?

Whether it’s a single marriage situation or a re-marriage, the decision on when and how to file for Social Security benefits can be a key part of a couple’s retirement financial strategy. In a recent Washington Post article, columnist Michelle…

Filing for Benefits: The Basic Question

As multimedia journalist Tracy Byrnes point out at the beginning of her post on www.thestreet.com, the first and most basic question you should consider asking yourself is, “Do you really need the check?” Asking this question will help you think through the pros…

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