Q & A

What are “Social Security Offsets,” and how are they applied?

Answer: There are some provisions of Social Security law that impact only a small portion of the population, but they cause more confusion than just about any other Social Security rule. I have explained these provisions many times in this column. But I still get dozens of questions every day from my readers about them.

I am talking about the offsets that affect people who get a pension from a job not covered by Social Security. This includes teachers, police officers, firefighters and other groups of local government employees in some states. (The reason these folks don’t pay into Social Security is a topic for another column.)

And because so many people impacted by the laws don’t understand them, they mistakenly think they are being singled out for Social Security reductions that don’t impact anyone else. And they are simply wrong about that. Read more…

SourceBy Tom Margenau, Creators Syndicate, tucson.com – 10/5/2014

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